Credit Card and ID Guarder

Credit Card and ID Guarder icon

Publisher description

Thief-ware is a main threat to computer user's credit card and ID information. Thief-ware is a malicious program that steals user's treasure. It monitors user's Internet access and captures user's credit card number, ID names and passwords. It opens fake dialog boxes that prompt the user to enter confidential information such as ATM card codes, credit card numbers, and more. Industry experts suggest that thief-ware may reside on up to 90 percent of all Internet-connected computers. Typically, They arrive bundled with freeware or shareware, through email or instant message, or by someone with access to a user's computer. The current suite of corporate security tools and polices such as firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spy wares do not adequately contain this imminent treasure threat, because thief-ware programs don't fit the self-propagating definition of virus and spyware. In addition, the straightforward detection and remove method dose not work with thief-ware as it is latent in the computer and pretend as good application. Credit card and ID Guard is designed to guard user's Credit card numbers, account Identify and passwords. It has Program immunization and Program Quarantine technologies to do this. When the user need to enter credit card number or identify information in online shopping or online trade, or in IM program such as MSN or hotmails, it prevents other program accessing the information, and prevents key-logger and screen copy and other more thief-ware.

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